Sunday 26 September 2021

Flat Stomach Foods

Flat Stomach Foods

Flat Stomach Foods

Are you eating clean but still feeling puffy? If pants that usually fit are not fitting, you can blame bloating.

One of the most frustrating situations I see clients face is eating healthy but still feeling fat.

All those veggies and your button just popped. I feel your pain.

When it comes to feeling puffy, you can blame the extra inches circling your waist on gas and/or rebellious digestion, which can be caused by:


eating high fat foods

eating too fast

chewing gum

drinking from a straw

sucking on hard candies

consuming sugar alcohols

consuming artificial sweeteners

drinking carbonated beverages

Some of our fave healthy foods, like beans, dairy and veggies like Brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower, can even make us bloated. Unfair, I know.